Google Cloud Platform (GCP) Cloud ML Engine Product Overview
Google Cloud Platform (GCP)
A serverless way of running TensorFlow
Simplifies book-keeping of data pre-processing through to training and web application deployment
Development Workflow
1. Use TensorFlow to create a computational graph and training application
2. Package the trainer application
2.1 Package has 6 files
mypackage/trainer/ - required in every folder
mypackage/trainer/ - entrypoint for the ML engine; parse command line; calls model.train_and_evaluate()
mypackage/trainer/ - fetch data; create feature columns and engineer; create serving input function; call tf.estimator.train_and_evaluate() loop
2.2 Test locally to ensure python runs: python -m trainer.task --train_data_paths="..." --eval_data_paths="..." --output_dir=".../output" --train_steps=100 --job-dir="/tmp"
2.3 Test the package locally in ML Engine to ensure package is ok: gcloud ml-engine local train --module-name=trainer.task --package-path=".../mypackage/trainer" ... other task args
2.4 Submit to ML Engine: gcloud ml-engine jobs submit training $JOBNAME --region $REGION --module-name=trainer.task --job-dir=$OUTDIR --staging-bucket=gs://$BUCKET --scale-tier=BASIC ... other task args
3. Configure and start a Cloud ML Engine job
Deployment Workflow
1. Export the trained model - say to gs://$BUCKET
2. Deploy trained model to GCP as a microservice - gcloud or UI Console
Automatically scales up, and down to zero
2.1 gcloud ml-engine model create ${MODEL_NAME} --regions $REGION
2.2 glcoud ml-engine versions create ${MODEL_VERSION} -- model ${MODEL_NAME} --origin "gs://${BUCKET}/${MODEL_NAME}/export/exporter/9876543"
3. Client code to make REST call
3.1 token = GoogleCredentials.get_application_default().get_access_token().access_token
3.2 api = '{}/models{}/versions{}:predict'.format(PROJECT, MODEL_NAME, MODEL_VERSION)
3.3 headers = {'Authorization': 'Bearer ' + token }
3.4 response =, json=..., headers=headers)
3.5 print response.content
Serving input function - specifies what predict() will have to provide; similar to the input function used for training, but maps from the REST API JSON to the features
Scale Tiers
GCP Scale Tier Doco
BASIC - single machine
STANDARD_1 - small cluster - one master + 4 workers and 3 parameter servers
PREMUIM_1 - one master + 19 workers and 11 parameter servers
BASIC_GPU - one Tesla K80 GPU
BASIC_TPU - Master VM and a Cloud TPU with 8xTPU v2 cores
Machine types for custom scale tiers
Hyper-parameter Tuning
Steps in Cloud ML Engine
1. Make the parameter a command-line argument
2. Ensure outputs contain something (like a trial number) so they do not overwrite each other
3. Supply hyper-parameters YAML file to the training job