Overview of the Google Cloud Platform (GCP) Cloud Datastore Product

Below is an overview of the Google Cloud Platform (GCP) Cloud Datastore product.

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Google Cloud Platform (GCP) Cloud Datastore Product Overview Google Cloud Platform (GCP) Features Global namespace for buckets Buckets are regional or multi-regional Bucket Properties Durability Availability Classes - frequency of anticipated access Long object names - forward slashes mimic file system structure Do NOT put sensitive data in the name Path segments are NOT folders - so renames need to be done to all objects individually Objects are NOT files - they are blobs - no support for "append" TLS encryption in transit Distributed service - no single point of failure Higher latency than HDFS on a Persistent Disk in the cluster Higher throughput than HDFS on a Persistent Disk in the cluster Tips Avoid small reads Use large block sizes Avoid iterating over many nested directories in a single job Access Pattern Summary: Use as a transactional, No-SQL, object-oriented database Capacity: Terabytes Access metaphor: Persistent Hashmap Read: Filter objects on a property Write: PUT object Update granularity: Attribute Usage: Structured data from AppEngine apps