Cloud Platform Topics

Overview of Google Cloud Platform (GCP)

Overview of GCP Cloud Pub/Sub
Overview of GCP Cloud Dataprep
Overview of GCP Cloud Dataproc
Overview of GCP Cloud Dataflow
Overview of GCP Cloud Composer
Overview of GCP Cloud Functions
Overview of GCP BigQuery

Overview of GCP Cloud Storage
Overview of GCP Cloud Bigtable
Overview of GCP Cloud Spanner
Overview of GCP Cloud SQL
Overview of GCP Cloud Datastore

Overview of GCP Cloud Machine Learning (ML) Engine

Overview of GCP Cloud Video Intelligence API
Overview of GCP Cloud Vision API

Overview of GCP Data Studio
Overview of GCP Dialogflow Enterprise Edition

Overview of GCP Cloud Auto Machine Learning
Overview of GCP Cloud Auto ML Vision

Big Data Topics

Overview of Big Data

Artificial Intelligence Topics

Overview of Artificial Intelligence

Machine Learning Topics

Overview of Machine Learning

Overview of Computer Vision

Overview of Natural Language Processing (NLP)

Overview of Sentiment Analysis

Overview of Kubeflow

Deep Learning Topics

Overview of TensorFlow

Data Science Topics

Overview of Data Science

Mathematics Topics

Overview of Mathematics

Mathematics Fundamentals

Overview of Calculus


Welcome to Hack the AI — focusing on:

  • Content & learning resources to help hack through the complexity of Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning and Data Science
  • How to hack the design of AI systems to be trustworthy and interpretable for human understanding
  • Fairness, Accountability and Transparency in Machine Learning (FATML)
  • The security & privacy of data and AI models throughout the development, testing and production lifecycles
  • Automation, repeatability, testing and other software development & DevOps practices applied to Machine Learning.
  • and more!

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